Ambion/PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit/10 preps/12183020
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The PureLink RNA Mini Kit is a column-based kit used to isolate high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of sample types in 20 minutes using standard laboratory equipment. The kit includes RNase-free lysis and wash solutions that protect RNA from RNases while liberating the RNA from DNA, proteins, and other cellular debris. The fast spin-column workflow is ideal for processing low to mid-throughput batch sizes. The advanced PureLink RNA Mini spin column design allows for maximum sample input (200 mg of tissue) and RNA recovery (up to 1000 µg). This means that users can process both small and large sample sizes with the same RNA isolation kit.• Process sample inputs from 5–200 mg of animal/plant tissue or from 0.5 x 106 to 108 tissue culture cells with one spin column in 20 minutes• Isolate more RNA than competitor mini spin columns: up to 1000 µg of total RNA from one column• Use isolated RNA in most applications without the need for further DNase treatment (very low minimal residual DNA carry over) • Flexible–optional on-column or post-isolation DNase treatment is available with PureLink DNase Set for easy removal of residual DNAExtra-large binding capacity enables rapid RNA purification using standard laboratory equipment The PureLink RNA Mini Kit provides rapid purification of total RNA from a wide range of cells and tissue types to yield up to 1000 µg of purified RNA from a single extraction (see Figure 1). High-quality total RNA can be obtained from mini- to midi-prep amounts of starting material with just trace amounts of residual genomic DNA contamination. The extra-large binding capacity enables one kit to handle most RNA isolation needs in a quick 20 minute protocol without the need for special sample processing instruments. Easy, optional, on-column DNase treatment for sensitive applicationsThe PureLink RNA Mini Kit columns are highly efficient for isolating high quality total RNA while removing the majority of genomic DNA. In general, most applications requiring RNA from animal tissue or mammalian cell lines do not require additional DNase treatment. However, some applications such as gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR without intron-spanning primers or working with samples from organisms with very small or no introns may require more complete removal of residual contaminating DNA. The PureLink DNase Set allows for convenient on-column digestion of DNA during the RNA isolation protocol. Treating with DNase while “on-column” is easier and allows higher RNA recovery than treating with DNase after the RNA has been isolated. The PureLink DNase Set can also be used to remove residual DNA from RNA that has been previously purified. Both the “on-column” and post-RNA purification workflows are options available with the PureLink DNase Set. Simplified, non-toxic RNA purificationThe PureLink RNA Mini Kit utilizes non-toxic guanidine-isothiocyanate lysis buffer to protect the RNA during the isolation steps. Special RNase-free reagents combined with certified RNase-free silica membranes in a unique column configuration allow for a safe and easy procedure that can typically be completed in less than 20 minutes without the need of hazardous phenol/chloroform extraction, CsCl centrifugation, or LiCl or alcohol precipitation.The PureLink RNA Mini Kit is recommended for use with the Homogenizer (Cat. No. 12183026), designed to homogenize cell or tissue lysates via centrifugation, prior to nucleic acid purification. The Homogenizer is especially effective for clarifying particulates from plant tissues.For plant tissues rich in polyphenolics or starch (e.g., pine needles, potato tubers), we recommend using PureLink Plant RNA Reagent (Cat. No. 12322012) together with the PureLink RNA Mini Kit.For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Sample sizes compatible with the PureLink® RNA Mini Kit.

Final Product Type: | Total RNA |
适用于(应用): | Microarray Analysis, Next-Generation Sequencing, Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), Northern Blotting, Nuclease Protection Assays, cDNA Library Construction |
Purification Target: | Total RNA |
样品类型: | Plant Samples, Yeast, Cells, Tissue, Bacteria, Blood |
Isolation Technology: | Silica Spin Column |
页反应的: | 10 Preps |
数量: | 10 columns |
产量: | 1000 µg |
Elution Volume Max: | 300 µl |
Elution Volume Min: | 30 µl |
High-throughput Compatibility: | Not High-throughput Compatible (Manual) |
刻度.: | Mini |
Shipping Condition: | Room Temperature |
Starting Material Amount: | 5 x 10^6 to 1 x 10^8 cells, Up to 200 mg tissue |
System Type: | PureLink™ |
Product Line: | PureLink™ |
The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit comes with enough RNA lysis solution, spin cartridges, wash tubes, recovery tubes, wash buffers, and RNase-free water to perform 10 RNA purifications. All components should be stored at room temperature. Guaranteed stable for 1 year when properly stored.
纯化RNA用于研究和分析Ambion现在是Invitrogen。在30年的经验支持下,我们的科学家和技术支持团队是RNA研究的知识领袖和RNA纯化专家。Invitrogen技术资源(包括技术说明,协议,基础知识等)证明了我们的专业知识。在下面的参考资料部分中,通过我们的RNA分离和纯化手册,了解有关我们RNA纯化产品和方案的更多信息。流行的Invitrogen RNA产品RNA分离产品RNA的稳定性和储存RNA干扰工具直接从细胞进行qPCR有机RNA提取RNase控制Invitrogen应用MicroRNA分析搜索超过2000种Ambion miRNA模拟物和抑制剂,找到最适合您的。RNAi分析查找用于体外和体内RNAi分析的产品,包括用于高通量应用的库。自动RNA提取出色的样品制备和交叉污染控制。单细胞分析查找可在各种单单元工作流程中使用的分析工具。RNA-Seq样品制备寻找鲁棒而精简的RNA序列样品制备方法。用于RT-PCR的RNA提取查找用于RT-PCR的RNA提取产品。
RNAlater™-ICE Frozen Tissue Transition Solution
PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit
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