Ambion/RNA之后交易;稳定溶液/1 x 250 mL/AM7024
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Ambion® RNAlater®组织采集: RNA固定液为水溶性、无组织毒性的保存试剂,可快速渗透到组织中,固定并保护细胞RNA。规格为100ml瓶装。• 一种试剂即可迅速灭活RNA酶,稳定组织或细胞中的RNA• 无需液氮冷冻样品或将样品快速转入实验室冰箱中• 多数组织样品无需冷冻和研磨• “野外”组织采集的理想选择• RNA在 37°C 下可稳定1天, 25°C 下1周, 4°C 下1个月, -20°C 下无限期。• 与包括大多数RNA分离试剂盒在内的多数RNA分离程序相兼容RNAlater® 固定并保护未破坏的未冷冻组织样品中的细胞RNA,无需为后续处理而快速处理组织样品或液氮冷冻样品。组织块可获得并浸入RNAlater® 中进行保存,不影响后续RNA分离所获得的RNA数量和质量。 RNAlater® 可加到细胞团甚至培养基中的细胞中,然后样品即可冷冻或不冷冻保存。RNAlater® 的使用组织切片(各尺寸均小于0.5cm)只需在室温下浸入约5倍体积的 RNAlater® 中即可。溶液渗入细胞,固定RNA。然后可将样品于 -20°C(组织不冷冻)无限期保存, 4°C 下最多1个月, 25°C 下最多1周。若进行RNA分离,只需将组织中RNAlater® 中取出,如处理刚刚获得的组织一样处理即可。大多数组织可直接转移至裂解缓冲液中制作匀浆。 RNAlater® 处理并冷冻的样品可用研钵研磨或解冻,然后如处理新鲜组织一样处理即可,无需担心细胞破裂释放RNA酶,因为RNA酶已被灭活。细胞可经离心从 RNAlater® 中分离出来,然后加入裂解缓冲液中,某些情况下RNAlater®可与细胞一同直接加入裂解缓冲液中。兼容多种实验方案RNAlater® 兼容一步RNA分离法,如 TRIzol® 试剂;兼容玻璃结合法,如 Qiagen"s RNeasy™ 或 Ambion® RNAqueous®; 兼容酸酚抽提法,如 Ambion® ToTALLY RNA™; 还兼容使用寡聚dT 的mRNA选择法,如 Ambion® Poly(A)Purist™。RNAlater® 的应用RNAlater® 已在多种哺乳动物组织、植物、大肠杆菌、蟾蜍、鱼类和果蝇等进行了测试。 RNAlater 适用于:• 保护富含RNA酶组织的RNA完整性• 采集不同时间点的样品,而无需在每个时间点立即处理样品• 保存组织用于将来的显微切割• 进行长时间单调的切片时,将动物空腔脏器或器官浸入RNAlater® 以固定RNA• 在快速RNA分离无法进行的地点(如医院、野外、航天飞机)采集样品• 夜间可在湿冰上甚至室温下运送样品内部研究及最近发表的独立研究都表明,与其他的处理方法相比,使用 RNAlater®进行组织保存不影响后续的RNA表达分析实验结果。For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Schematic of RNAlater™ procedure.
Histology of RNAlater®-preserved tissue.RNAlater®-preserved samples may be used for histolological analysis. Antigenicity is not always preserved; however, some researchers have had success with this technique. The figure shows sections of RNAlater®-preserved material. These sections showed excellent morphological detail and were indistinguishable from untreated samples when examined for standard histological criteria. (A) H&E stained, frozen section of human skin preserved for one week in RNAlater prior to processing. (B) Stained as above but formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded section of human skin preserved for one week in RNAlater prior to processing. Contributed by Scott Florell and Sancy Leachman, Huntsman Cancer Institute. Florell SR, Coffin CM, Holden JA, Zimmermann JW, Gerwels JW, Summers BK, Jones DA, Leachman SA. (2001) Preservation of RNA for functional genomic studies: a multidisciplinary tumor bank protocol. Mod Pathol. 14(2):116-128." data-omni-action="View figure">
Histology of RNAlater®-preserved tissue.
Compatibility of various RNA isolation methods with tissue stored in RNAlater™.Freshly dissected whole mouse liver and heart were placed in RNAlater™ and stored at 4°C for three days. RNA was isolated from equal mass amounts of each tissue using the ToTALLY RNA, RNAqueous, or Poly(A)Pure Kits. 5 µg of RNA prepared from each tissue sample was analyzed by denaturing formaldehyde agarose gel electrophoresis (with RNA Millennium Markers)." data-omni-action="View figure">
Compatibility of various RNA isolation methods with tissue stored in RNAlater™.
Ribonuclease protection assay using mouse tissues stored in RNAlater™.Various mouse tissues were stored in RNAlater™ for 1 or 4 weeks at 4°C. RNA was isolated from each tissue and analyzed using the RPA III™ Kit. 10 µg of total RNA was hybridized with 5 x 10<sup>4</sup> cpm of each of 5 combined antisense RNA probes, digested with RNase, and precipitated. Products were assessed on a 5% polyacrylamide/8M urea gel and exposed to film for 4 hr at -80°C with an intensifying screen." data-omni-action="View figure">
Ribonuclease protection assay using mouse tissues stored in RNAlater™.
Northern blot of RNA from tissue treated with RNAlater™.The dissected tissue (0.5 cm<sup>3</sup> fragments or smaller) is submerged in approximately 5 volumes of RNAlater™ (e.g., a 0.5 g sample requires about 2.5 mL of RNAlater) at room temperature. The solution permeates the cells, stabilizing the RNA. The sample can then be stored at room temperature (25°C) for up to a week, at 4°C for up to a month, or at -20°C indefinitely. A northern blot (of gel in the top panel) that was hybridized with probes to p53 and GAPDH, demonstrates the integrity of RNA isolated from tissues treated with RNAlater™ and stored at different temperatures (bottom panel). Note that the tissues include spleen, an organ known for its high RNase content, and from which it is often difficult to extract intact RNA." data-omni-action="View figure">
Northern blot of RNA from tissue treated with RNAlater™.
RNA stability of RNAlater™-treated tissues after multiple freeze/thaw cycles.Mouse heart and liver were dissected and placed in RNAlater™. The tissues were frozen on dry ice and thawed at room temperature for the indicated number of cycles. RNA was isolated using RNAwiz™, electrophoresed on a 1% formaldehyde/agarose gel, ethidium bromide stained, and photographed." data-omni-action="View figure">
RNA stability of RNAlater™-treated tissues after multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

描述: | RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution |
数量: | 1 x 250mL |
外形: | Liquid |
试剂类型试剂类型: | RNA Storage Reagent |
Shipping Condition: | Room Temperature |
Product Line: | Ambion™, RNAlater® |
Store at room temperature.
纯化RNA用于研究和分析Ambion现在是Invitrogen。在30年的经验支持下,我们的科学家和技术支持团队是RNA研究的知识领袖和RNA纯化专家。Invitrogen技术资源(包括技术说明,协议,基础知识等)证明了我们的专业知识。在下面的参考资料部分中,通过我们的RNA分离和纯化手册,了解有关我们RNA纯化产品和方案的更多信息。流行的Invitrogen RNA产品RNA分离产品RNA的稳定性和储存RNA干扰工具直接从细胞进行qPCR有机RNA提取RNase控制Invitrogen应用MicroRNA分析搜索超过2000种Ambion miRNA模拟物和抑制剂,找到最适合您的。RNAi分析查找用于体外和体内RNAi分析的产品,包括用于高通量应用的库。自动RNA提取出色的样品制备和交叉污染控制。单细胞分析查找可在各种单单元工作流程中使用的分析工具。RNA-Seq样品制备寻找鲁棒而精简的RNA序列样品制备方法。用于RT-PCR的RNA提取查找用于RT-PCR的RNA提取产品。
RNAlater™-ICE Frozen Tissue Transition Solution
PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit
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